

A detailed SEO audit and review of your site to highlight issues and opportunities

Professional SEO Reviews

A tailored SEO review including SEO audit, content analysis, keyword research, recommendations and training to help companies improve their Google rankings, traffic and website conversions.

Google is constantly changing. Regularly reviewing your site and staying up-to-date on the terms people are searching for is important for your business growth.

The SEO Review service provides a tailored approach for not only identifying issues and opportunities, but also implementing and helping you plan your content strategy.

Based on 10 years’ experience working with a wide range of companies across hundreds of campaigns, we help you review, plan and prioritise your digital strategy, and then efficiently implement it.

SEO Review


The SEO review and strategy not only identifies on-page SEO technical issues, but includes managing their resolution.

As well as the keyword research findings, the report includes a strategy for content in order to rank for the key terms.

The video below outlines what is covered in the SEO Review:



Quick Overview of the SEO Review

1. SEO Audit

Regular SEO audit to identify technical issues with your site

2. SEO Implementation

Implementation of fixes for the SEO technical items (in WordPress, HubSpot or elcomCMS – other CMS may require separate consideration)

3. Keyword Research

Research into keywords and topics providing opportunity for your business

4. Content Analysis

Content audit to identify content gaps

5. SEO Training

Training on SEO trends, best practices and tools. Tailored for your specific situation.

Details of the SEO Review

1. Regular SEO Audit

A regular SEO audit of your website, covering:

  • Content
  • Google crawl
  • Sitemap
  • Canonicalisation
  • Images
  • Page Titles
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Site speed
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • SSL implementation

    The deliverable is a listing of the key technical SEO items identified on the site.

2. SEO Fixes

Based on the regular SEO audit we prioritise the key issues and recommendations to implement fixes.

We are able to perform these fixes in sites built on WordPress, elcomCMS or HubSpot. For other website platforms there may be an additional cost required to investigate their functionality and SEO options.

This includes:

  • technical items on the site including page titles and descriptions
  • site settings for canonical URLs and XML sitemaps
  • site navigation and internal linking

3. Research

In this phase we:

  • analyse current keyword rankings
  • perform keyword research to identify high value terms to rank for
  • prepare recommendations for keywords to target (based on search volume and likelihood of being able to rank for them ie competitiveness)

4. Content gap analysis

Based on the keyword research findings we:

  • analyse the current site content (content audit) in order to find content gaps
  • prepare a content list for content assets to be created

5. Training Plan

Based on the audit, research and analysis we:

  • train you on the priorities to action
  • train you on SEO trends and best practices
  • train you on how to specifically implement these on your site


1. SEO issues identified and fixed

Your site optimised for Google rankings and future growth.

2. Content strategy prepared

A full content plan prepared and prioritised, ready to be scheduled for content creation and promotion.

3. Market position and action plan

Not only do you understand your position in the market, but you also have an actionable plan for improving your digital impact.


An SEO audit helps you to understand your current site benchmarks, including issues, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities.

SEO Audits are a key insight into the effectiveness of your web site. They highlight technical issues that need fixing, as well as indicating opportunities for improvement against competitors.

When to perform an SEO Audit

There are a number of common situations where an SEO audit offers value:

  • New site
  • Annual review
  • Significant change in traffic and/or conversions

Tools Used

An SEO audit involves analysing the site itself, as well as using a number of tools including Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google My Business, Bing Webmaster Tools, SanityCheck, Google Ads (if appropriate), SEMrush and ahrefs.


The audit is delivered as a Google doc (or Word document or PDF), along with supporting Google Sheets (or Excel) spreadsheets.

The document is usually around 40-50 pages, but can grow for particularly large sites (eg large Government audits have been around 150 pages in past audits)



whether it be organic rankings in Google, an advertising campaign or social presence, we'll get you noticed.



Work with an experienced team

XEN Solar was created by XEN Systems, a digital agency based in Sydney, Australia. We have years of experience in site development, marketing and much more.Services_1.png

Expert users of current marketing tools

Google Analytics, Adwords, HubSpot, we know it all. We'll use the right tool for the job to get the best result for your business.

Expert users of current marketing tools

Google Analytics, Adwords, HubSpot, we know it all. We'll use the right tool for the job to get the best result for your business.

We understand solar

The solar industry is its own niche in the Australian market. It just so happens that we know the most effective strategies to market to your potential customers.
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